Let’s review and perform the monologues!!!
Complete monologues:
Nina? Was that it? I’m sorry I don’t remember her full name. It was Nina though, wasn’t it? (beat) I remember. (beat) I had a…well…I think of it as an epiphany. The doctors called it a psychotic episode. It was at work. So…I’m on a “sabbatical.”
(beat) You know I got a bonus for every settlement out of court. And a bonus for every charge dropped. All of us did.
(beat) We had a guy who combed through social media accounts for compromising information. Contacted friends and past sexual partners. It is amazing how much easier the internet has made digging up dirt. In the old days we’d have to go through a girls’ trash. But now it’s just one drunk photo at a party and you wouldn’t believe how hostile that makes a jury.
(beat) You’ve got to help me. I can’t sleep. I can’t sleep. I haven’t slept in…
I’ll never forgive myself. I hope you know that. I’ll never forgive myself for any of it.
A connection? OK. What do I do for a living? (beat) Sorry. Maybe that one’s too hard. How old am I? How long have I lived in the city? What are my hobbies? (beat) What’s my name?
You’re right! This connection is electric! (beat)
Of course, I know all about you. Your mom, your sister, your job at a digital marketing agency which sounds like you completely suck at, by the way, and, oh yeah…your novel. Good luck with that., sounds like a winner. About a guy. Set in New York? Woah.
At least you didn’t try to have sex with me while I was passed out. You do get points for that. There are plenty of nice guys just like you. You’re not as rare as you’d think. You know how I know? Because every week I go to a club. And every week I act like I’m too drunk to stand. And every. Fucking. Week. A nice guy just like you comes over to see if I’m okay. By the way, this music is terrible. Only a drunk person would have sex to this music.