Monologues Part 1
A connection? OK. What do I do for a living? (beat) Sorry. Maybe that one’s too hard. How old am I? How long have I lived in the city? What are my hobbies? (beat) What’s my name?
You’re right! This connection is electric! (beat)
Of course, I know all about you. Your mom, your sister, your job at a digital marketing agency which sounds like you completely suck at, by the way, and, oh yeah…your novel. Good luck with that., sounds like a winner. About a guy. Set in New York? Woah.
Jordan (guy) from Promising Young Woman:
Nina? Was that it? I’m sorry I don’t remember her full name. It was Nina though, wasn’t it? (beat) I remember. (beat) I had a…well…I think of it as an epiphany. The doctors called it a psychotic episode. It was at work. So…I’m on a “sabbatical.”
You know I got a bonus for every settlement out of court. And a bonus for every charge dropped. All of us did.